Project Details

Arevon is proud to be building the Posey Solar Project, located in Posey County, Indiana.
Here is a snapshot of the project:

190 megawatt AC

Posey County, Indiana. The power will be transmitted to the AB Brown - Gibson transmission line.

Land Area
The project will have a footprint of approximately 1,500 acres of land to locate solar panel arrays, an operations and maintenance building, inverters and access roads.

Direct investment in the hundreds of millions of dollars

Power Generation
The project will generate clean renewable energy, for Indiana homes and businesses.

Project Life
Once constructed, the project has a 35-year useful life. After this time, it will be decommissioned in accordance with a decommissioning plan and bond.

Economic Benefits
The Posey Solar Project represents an investment of nearly $162 million in the area economy, which includes:
Power Benefits
Does not need external fuel inputs, reducing transportation risks and increasing reliability
Will help Indiana meet its power needs
During Construction
More than 400 full-time construction jobs
$31.2 million contribution to Posey County’s GDP
79 additional, indirect full-time local and regional jobs
Environmental Benefits
Produces zero-emissions power that does not contribute to local pollution or global climate change
Generates power with no noise or smell
Will help Indiana meet its clean energy and climate goals
During 35-Year Operational Life
5 full-time operations jobs
$485,000 spent annually on goods and services to support operation
$1.2 million contribution to Posey County’s GDP each year
8 additional, indirect full-time local and regional jobs
This is in addition to millions of dollars in landowner lease payments and significant tax revenue to local units of government over the life of the solar project. At the same time, a solar project does not place a heavy burden on government-supported services like schools and police.
Source: Economic benefits study conducted by Gnarly Tree Sustainability Institute, in collaboration with Dr. Kenneth Richards of Indiana University’s O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Development Permits
EARLY 2023
Engineering and Permitting
Q4 2023
Final Approvals
Q1 2024
Begin Construction
Q1 2025